Download Html Bookmark Compare
all versions with source code:
download from
Windows native executable (Qt version):
Download the default file from sourceforge
extract all and run the bookmarkcompare2.exe.
(Old) Windows Ruby Installation:
For using the ruby version in Windows you need to install:
- rubyinstaller-1.8.x, rubyinstaller-1.8.7-p302.exe has been tested, download from:
- ruby-gnome2-0.16 windows instalation, ruby-gnome2-0.16.0-1-i386-mswin32.exe has been
tested, intall in ruby directory (C:\Ruby187), download from:
ruby-gnome2 in sourceforge
Note: you will have to execute "rbbc2_4rb18.rb" witch is the program adapted for ruby
v1.8.x and old gnome... It is also recommended to add the ruby interpreter and
ruby-gnome2 in the PATH public variable (option during installation).
Generic Linux Installation (Ruby Version Installation):
- Install Ruby from your os repository.
Not recommended: If no other option is available you have to compile, untar, browse the folder using cd
[foldername] then "./configure" then "make" then "make install" (download from:
- Install Ruby Gtk or Ruby Gnome 2 from your os repository.
Not recommended: Install ruby-gnome2 from os repository or if no
package is available compile from source, untar,
browse the folder using cd [foldername] then "./configure" then "make" then "make install"
- Finally browse unzipped Html Bookmark Compare folder in terminal and type "ruby rbbc2.rb".
To add it in a menu use the command ruby {folder}/rbbc2.rb, replace {folder} with the folder
the file is in.
Generic Linux Installation (Compile Qt Version of Html Bookmark Compare):
- make sure you have qmake, qt5 and c++ compiler
- open terminal, cd into build-bookmarkcompare2-Desktop-Release folder, type make
(Old) Ubuntu/Debian Installation:
- Open Synaptic or use the terminal
- Install package ruby-gnome2
- Browse the unzipped Html Bookmark Compare folder in terminal and type "ruby rbbc2.rb".
To add it in a menu use the command ruby {folder}/rbbc2.rb, replace {folder} with the folder
the file is in.
Example: let's say the .rb file is in the Downloads folder in Ubuntu
then use the command "ruby /home/YourUserName/Downloads/rbbc2.rb" without quotes
(Old) PcBSD, FreeBSD Installation:
- (PcBSD) install ports if not installed from the os installation (see link).
- compile ruby 1.8 and ruby-gnome2 (see link)
- Finally browse unzipped Html Bookmark Compare folder in terminal and type "ruby rbbc2.rb".
To add it in a menu use the command ruby {folder}/rbbc2.rb, replace {folder} with the folder
the file is in.
For more info on ports see: documents